Windows Server 2022 vs 2019: A Detailed Comparison


When faced with the choice between Windows Server 2022 vs 2019, you find yourself at the crossroads of two powerful server platforms designed to accommodate modern business needs. Both versions bring a robust set of features to the table, but with significant differences that could tip the balance depending on your specific security, performance, and management requirements. In this article, we'll explore these differences in depth to help you make an informed decision.

Cost Comparison and Licensing

When choosing between Windows Server 2022 vs 2019, one of the determining factors for many organisations is the total cost of ownership (TCO), which includes not only the initial licence fee, but also associated operational costs such as maintenance and upgrades.

Licensing Models

In addition to carefully evaluating the costs and licensing options between Windows Server 2022 vs 2019, there is a smart strategy that can help significantly mitigate the costs associated with upgrading or deploying your server infrastructure.

By choosing to purchase your servers through Licendi, you can take advantage of the opportunity to save on costs without compromising the quality or legality of your software. Licendi specialises in the sale of genuine Microsoft servers, ensuring that every purchase comes with an activation guarantee. 

Initial and Upgrade Costs

Windows Server 2022 introduces new security and performance features, which may justify a slightly higher initial licence price compared to Windows Server 2019. However, for organisations that already own Software Assurance licenses, Microsoft offers upgrade options to Windows Server 2022, which may mitigate some of the upfront cost.

It is important to consider upgrade costs from a hardware perspective as well. The security and performance enhancements in Windows Server 2022 may require more modern or dedicated hardware to take full advantage of these new capabilities, which could mean additional hardware investments for some organisations.

In addition to carefully evaluating the costs and licensing options between Windows Server 2022 vs 2019, there is a smart strategy that can help significantly mitigate the costs associated with upgrading or deploying your server infrastructure.

By choosing to purchase your servers through Licendi, you can take advantage of the opportunity to save on costs without compromising the quality or legality of your software. Licendi specialises in the sale of genuine Microsoft servers, ensuring that every purchase comes with an activation guarantee. 

Enhanced Security in Windows Server 2022

Advanced Protection

Windows Server 2022 raises the security standard with the introduction of features such as HTTPS and AES-256 encryption, ensuring that data in transit is protected more effectively than ever before. In addition, the implementation of DNS over HTTPS (DoH) enhances the privacy and security of server communications.

Hardware Root of Trust

This new release builds on hardware-based security, integrating features such as Secure Boot and the Secure Platform Module (TPM) 2.0, which offer an additional layer of protection against firmware attacks.

Innovations in Performance and Scalability

Hybrid Infrastructure Improvements

Windows Server 2022 is designed with hybrid infrastructures in mind, facilitating more seamless integration with Azure through new capabilities such as Azure Arc and Azure Automanage. These tools enable simplified management and administration, extending cloud governance and security practices to the on-premises environment.

Scalability and Performance

With significant improvements in terms of storage, networking and compute, Windows Server 2022 is ready to support intensive workloads and critical applications with better performance and lower latency, making a noticeable difference compared to its predecessor.

windows server 2019 vs windows server 2022 windows server 2019 vs windows server 2022

Windows Server 2022 vs 2019: Administrative and Development Features

Enhanced Container Support

The 2022 release places a strong emphasis on container and microservices support, offering deeper integrations with Kubernetes and enhancements to Windows Admin Center for easier container management.

Development Tools

Updates to development tools and platforms, including PowerShell 7.1 and better support for .NET applications, make Windows Server 2022 a more developer-friendly platform, promoting greater efficiency and ease of use.

Finally, what should I choose: Windows Server 2022 vs 2019?

Choosing between Windows Server 2022 vs 2019 is a crucial decision that depends on your specific security, performance and scalability needs. While Windows Server 2019 remains a robust and proven option, Windows Server 2022 introduces significant innovations that can be critical for environments that require maximum security and efficiency, especially in hybrid infrastructures and modern applications.

We hope this comparative analysis has provided you with clarity and helped you make an informed decision. Whichever option you choose, make sure it aligns with your business objectives and technology requirements.