Differences between Windows 11 Pro and Windows 11 Home

¿Cuales son las diferencias entre Windows 11 Home Vs. Windows 11 Pro?

In our online shop you can now find the latest version of the operating system developed by Microsoft, the long-awaited Windows 11. In this article we will analyse the features of Windows 11 Home & Windows 11 Pro so that we can clarify your questions and you can finally choose one of these two options.


The main difference is the price. At Licendi, Windows 11 Home costs around €36.99, and it is important to note that this is more than enough for most people, as it includes everything you need for your tasks.

The Windows 11 Pro version, on the other hand, is, as the name suggests, intended for professional users or small and medium-sized enterprises and is one of the most powerful operating systems. Logically, the price is somewhat higher at around €39.99.


Diferencias Windows 11 Home vs Pro

For better illustration, here is a table with the most important differences between these two versions:

Furthermore, it should be noted that Windows 11 Home only supports a single processor with a maximum of 64 cores. This "basic" version of the system is limited to 128 GB RAM. On the other hand, Windows 11 Pro supports two processors (up to 128 cores) and up to 2 TB of RAM. Certainly not something the average user needs, but a specialist or power user does.


When you choose a system for your home computer and see for the first time the names of the features that are only available for the Pro version, the Windows 11 Home edition may be enough for you. However, at Licendi we offer a spectacular price for Windows 11 Pro and believe that it is worth paying three euros more in exchange for a wide range of benefits that will serve you well today or in the near future. Although Windows 11 Pro is more for businesses and power users, it can be used by everyone and offers more security and functionality.

If you have any questions, comment below or give us a call!

If you want to know more about the specifications of Windows 11, you can read them on the Microsoft website.


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