10 Microsoft 365 features that will surprise you

Microsoft 365 is one of the most popular tools for business productivity. With its diverse applications and features, Microsoft 365 offers a wide variety of tools to enhance teamwork and collaboration. Here are some of the best features of Microsoft 365 and how to get the most out of them.

Improve your productivity with these Microsoft 365 featuresImprove your productivity with these Microsoft 365 features

Real-Time Voice Dictation

Real-time voice dictation in Word and Outlook is an amazing Microsoft 365 feature that allows you to dictate text instead of typing it manually. To use this feature, simply select "Dictation" from the "Home" tab in Word or Outlook, and speak into your computer's microphone. This feature is especially useful for increasing typing speed, reducing hand stress and improving accessibility.

PowerPoint Design Wizard

The PowerPoint Design Wizard is a very useful tool for automatically applying layouts and graphics to your presentations. To use this function, select the slide on which you want to apply a layout, and click on "Layout" in the "Home" tab. Then select "Design Wizard" and choose the design you want to apply to your presentation. This feature can save time and help you create more professional presentations.

Automatic Translation in Word

Automatic translation in Word is an amazing feature that allows you to automatically translate words or whole sentences with just one click. To use this feature, simply select the word or phrase you want to translate, right click and select "Translate". Then choose the language in which you want to translate the text and click "Translate". This function can be very useful for those who work with different languages.

Message Filtering in Outlook

The message filter in Outlook is a very useful tool for filtering your e-mail messages to see only important messages or messages that contain certain keywords. To use this function, click on the "Home" tab in Outlook and select "Filter". Then choose the filtering options you want to apply to your e-mail messages. This feature can help you manage your email better and save time.

Real-time collaboration in Teams

Real-time collaboration in Teams is an amazing feature that allows you to work on documents and presentations in real time with your colleagues. To use this feature, simply create a team in Teams and share the documents or presentations you want to edit in real-time.

Team members can then collaborate and make changes to documents and presentations at the same time, improving productivity and team collaboration.

Advanced Security Features in OneDrive

The advanced security features in OneDrive are a very useful tool for storing and sharing files securely. OneDrive offers advanced security features, such as multi-factor authentication and data encryption, to protect your files and data. In addition, you can set access permissions to your files and control who can view and edit your files.

Streaming Video Creation

Stream video creation is an amazing feature that allows you to create training videos and online presentations. Stream is Microsoft 365's video platform, allowing you to quickly and easily create videos and share them with your team. You can add captions, annotations and comments to your videos to improve communication and understanding of topics.

PDF editing in Word

PDF editing in Word is an amazing feature that allows you to edit PDF files in Word and save them as Word documents for easy editing. To use this feature, simply open the PDF file in Word and start editing the content. Then save the file as a Word document to preserve your changes for easy future editing.

Creating Forms in Excel

Form creation in Excel is an amazing feature that allows you to create online forms and surveys to collect data and feedback. To use this feature, simply create a form in Excel and share it with the people you want to complete it. You can add questions, response options and comments to your forms to collect the information you need.


In conclusion, Microsoft 365 offers a wide variety of features that can help you improve your productivity and team collaboration. All the features we have listed above are just some of the many amazing features of Microsoft 365 that you can use to improve your day-to-day work.

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