Office for Mac OS: Everything you need to know!

Office 2019 Mac

In this blog you will learn everything you need to know about Office software for Mac. The most commonly used Office programmes are Word, Excel and PowerPoint; these programmes are essential for businesses, students and even for personal use.

Not only do we give you all the information you need, we also tell you how to download Office for Mac, install the programmes and how to use them for life. We also tell you how to get Office for free if you are a student.

Mac OS versions of Office

Microsoft Office 365 vs. Microsoft Office 2019

There are various licences and options to bring Microsoft Office applications to your Mac computer. The most common is the Office 365 for Mac subscription, which allows you to use Word for Mac, Excel for Mac and PowerPoint for Mac, among others.

The other version of Office is Office Standard for Mac. The big difference between Office 365 and the standard version is that you pay for the standard version once and then it is valid forever. The biggest disadvantage is that you don't have cloud storage as an option and that Microsoft doesn't update the standard version.

To learn more about the differences between Microsoft Office 365 for Mac and Office 2019 Standard for Mac, click here.

Other subjects to consider

Diferencias entre Microsoft 365 y Standard para Mac

Operating system, download and students

Which operating system should your Mac have? As almost always, the answer to this question is: "It depends". If you want to buy Microsoft Office 365, it doesn't matter (unless you have a very old version of the software installed on your Mac). Microsoft provides you with technical support, so it's easy for you to install.

However, if you want to buy a perpetual version - which you can find much cheaper, for example, by clicking on the Buy Office 2019 Standard Mac link - then you need to make sure you buy a version that is compatible with your current operating system. But don't worry, we at Licendi will always help you find the right one for you!

Finally, if you are a student, you can of course use the link above to download Office 2019 Standard for Mac. However, you still need to activate the programme, and as a student you can take advantage of the fact that Microsoft has partnerships with almost all universities and educational institutions in the world. Click on this link to check if your company is also one of them: Office for Students

If you already have your key to activate Office 2019 Standard for Mac, you can click on this link to start the download: Download Office 2019 Standard Mac As always, if you have any questions, drop us a comment or give us a call!

Greetings,Your Licendi Team