18 facts about Microsoft

Today, everyone who owns or has ever used a computer is familiar with Microsoft. In fact, many students and workers around the world can no longer imagine life without the products of this technology company.

However, despite being a company that everyone knows and that has made such a difference in education, in the workplace and in the use of computers at home, there are still many things that people do not know about this company.

Here are 18 interesting facts about Microsoft:

1. Bill Gates had no creative name for Windows

Bill Gates wanted to call the operating system "Interface Manager", and for a while this was the official name of the operating system. But then people from the marketing department got wind of it and suggested to Gates that Windows would sound much better. And he agreed.

2. Gates and Allen had already founded a company.

Before founding Microsoft, Gates and Allen had already demonstrated their entrepreneurial skills by founding another company. They designed a computer system to automatically process traffic count data. The goal was to read raw data from traffic counters and turn it into reports for traffic engineers. They developed it when they were both students at a high school in Seattle. The company was called Traf-O-Data.

3. Microsoft employees have a very "sweet" tradition

There is a very interesting tradition among Microsoft employees. When it is their anniversary of starting work at Microsoft, they are expected to bring sweets to share with their colleagues... and not just any sweets, but M&Ms. The amount of candy they bring depends on how long they have worked at the company. Traditionally, an employee brings one pound of sweets for every year they have been employed at Microsoft.

4. Bill Gates appeared in his company's motivational videos.

To motivate Microsoft employees, Bill Gates made motivational videos. His goal was to get employees excited about working for the company and to keep them focused on the company's goals. Gates himself appeared in many of them, as did former CEO Steve Ballmer. The videos were usually humorous, so Gates did not take himself too seriously and did not mind making a fool of himself.

5. Microsoft helped Apple avoid bankruptcy

Although Apple is one of the most successful companies in the world today and a direct competitor of Microsoft, the company ran into financial difficulties in 1997. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy and needed massive investment to continue operating. It was Microsoft that became the saviour by investing €150 million in the competitor. Steve Jobs had the unfortunate task of announcing this investment during his first appearance on stage as CEO of Apple. The news was met with boos from the audience. This investment gave Apple the boost it needed to become the success it is today.
Source: https://www.maclife.de/news/blick-zurueck-microsoft-rettet-vor-20-jahren-apple-10094625.html

6. Microsoft is the inventor and owner of the Xbox game console.

While most people know that Microsoft developed the Windows applications for PCs, not everyone knows that the company also developed and owns the Xbox game consoles. The name "Xbox" is an abbreviation for "DirectX Box". DirectX is the crucial software used in Microsoft Windows to realise intense graphics in games.

7. Microsoft has 35 coffee shops

Google is known to be very generous in providing food, snacks and drinks for its employees. Even though Microsoft does not reach the same level when it comes to feeding its employees, it is something they strive for. They have 35 cafeterias that feed more than 37 000 people every day. Of all the meals served in these cafeterias, pizza is the most popular choice.

8. Brian Eno composed the sound of Microsoft

Anyone who uses Windows will immediately recognise the start-up tune that plays when the computer is first switched on. Although it only has a few notes, it is the work of an influential composer named Brian Eno. The talented musician and composer has worked with great talents like U2 and David Bowie over the years.

9. Microsoft uses code names

When Microsoft works on new projects, the company often uses code names. Partly to keep their projects secret, but often because they have not yet found an official name for a project. There is a long list of code names they have used over the years, but some examples are "Vienna", "Lone Star" and "Longhorn".

10. employees are called softies

All Microsoft employees have the nickname "softie". The English translation of "softie" would be "tender". Microsoft has more than 88,000 employees in its various facilities.

11. Microsoft has a large art collection

Microsoft is known for having clipart that can be used in various applications to create documents and presentations. However, this is not the only way in which Microsoft is interested in art. It is also one of the largest collectors of corporate art in the world. Its premises house a huge collection of more than 5,000 works of contemporary art.

12. The Windows XP wallpaper is probably the most viewed photo in history.

Although exact figures are difficult to confirm, it is believed that the wallpaper used for Windows XP may be the most viewed in history. The photo shows a grassy field and hill with a mountain in the background and a blue sky above. The original photo was taken in Sonoma County, California, and is titled "Bliss". Photographer Charles O'Rear took the photo in 1996 and Microsoft paid for the rights to it.

13. try to create a folder called CON in Windows: No chance!

Windows operating systems are full of quirks and oddities. One of the strange quirks of Windows is the fact that you simply cannot create a folder called CON. Try it and you will see that it is impossible.


When we try to create a folder called CON, we get an error message that does not allow us to do so.

14. Microsoft invented tablets, not Apple

Although Apple popularised tablets with the iPad, which was launched in 2010, the company did not invent the format. In fact, the tablet was invented by Microsoft. Bill Gates presented a prototype of a tablet PC with Windows XP in 2001, but the market was not yet ready.

15 The first smartwatch was also made by Microsoft.

Microsoft was a pioneer in many areas, but many of its innovative products simply came to market too early. In other words, the company was ahead of its time and the market was often not ready for these products.

16. windows had its first virus in 1992

Windows was virus-free for almost a decade until someone decided to develop the first virus for Windows. It was called WinVer 1.4.

17. Microsoft does not sell software, but software licences

When you buy a Windows 10 disc, you don't actually own the software on the disc. Instead, you own the usage licence and Microsoft can withdraw the licence at any time.

Microsoft does not sell software at all and never has. Over the years it has only sold software licences. In other words, you can buy a perpetual licence to use Windows or MS Word, but you never own the software.

18 Want to learn all about MS Word? Type "=rand(200,99)" into a Word document and press Enter.

A nice curiosity in Microsoft Word gives you access to a detailed description of Word's functions. Just type the combination of symbols shown above (without quotes) and press Enter to get the document.

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